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Muhammad Amin Baig

Muhammad Amin Baig

International Alternative Medical Council (IAMC), Pakistan

Title: Long term study on the clinical eff ectiveness of wet cupping in patients suff ering from sciatic pain


Biography: Muhammad Amin Baig


Background: Ancient old technique of wet cupping commonly known as Hijama has proven its effectiveness in number of medical ailments including sciatic nerve pain. Long term study was to evaluate the effectiveness of wet cupping, after two years and fi ve years patients suffering from sciatic nerve pain.

Method: Two hundred fi fty patients were randomly selected having no previous physical injury, between ages 18-80 years. Wet cupping sessions were done on every alternate day; three sessions were done in which removal of subcutaneous blood with the help of glass suction cups was done after making superfi cial incisions. One cup was generally applied between shoulders at T1 and C7 vertebrae area, and two cups were applied on L3-L4 or L4-L5 and L5-S1 vertebrae. After these sessions the decrease in sciatic pain and improvement in quality of life of patient was assessed by visual analogue score, numeric pain rating scale, and WHOQOL scale at before treatment, after treatment, one year after treatment, two years after treatment, and fi ve years after treatment. (Data were analysed by paired t-test and ANOVA.)

Result: Out of 250 patients about 225 (90%) of patients have shown marked decrease in sciatic nerve pain. After one year of treatment 175 (70%) of patients were satisfi ed and doesn’t need any further treatment of sciatic pain, after two years of treatment more than 125 (50%) patients showed marked decrease in pain as compared to before treatment. Five years after treatment 92 (37%) of patients were enjoying good quality of life as shown by their WHOQOL scale.

Conclusion: Long term benefi ts of wet cupping in patients suffering from sciatic nerve pain was observed , it is concluded that overall quality of life of patient is improved and pain score is signifi cantly decreased after two years and fi ve years of Hijama treatment.