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Paola Vidal Rojo

Paola Vidal Rojo

La Salle A C University, Mexico


Paola Vidal Rojo has completed her basic education by Cambridge University of London, has graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad La Salle AC, and later graduated from the specialties of two of the largest Health Institutes in our country and in Latin America. She has initially in Pediatrics of Children's Hospital of Mexico, and later subspecialty in Pediatric Cardiology of the National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chávez, fulfi lling functions of Head of Residents of the subdivision of Pediatrics. And fi nally she is high specialty in Medicine in Pediatric and Fetal Echocardiography in the Children's Hospital of Mexico Federico Gómez.


Abstract : Treating congenital heart diseases with high tech procedures in an unequal country